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Capture d’écran, le 2022-07-10 à 19.34_e

Introducing the

Daily Digest

A simple & effective daily email. 
All the Bids fro
m Transit Agencies to Your Inbox:
A perfect 8:30 am Briefing


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Full Spectrum

Every bid from North American

Transit Agencies within the past 24 hours.

With the vast number of transit agencies out there, staying updated can be overwhelming. Our daily digest simplifies this by bringing you all bids, from every agency, in a single consolidated update.

Clear & Concise Email

Easy-to-read format, making scanning for relevant bids effortless.

In today's fast-paced world, clarity is paramount. We've meticulously crafted our email for easy readability, ensuring you can swiftly zero in on bids that resonate with your business.

No confusion over Agencies
names & acronyms! 

Lots of Transit Agencies have the word 'METRO'' in the name. To make it easier,  the Daily Digest will indicate clearly to which Transit Agency the bid is being release from.


It does so by identifying each transit agencies  with it's  full name, logo, acronym and region.

Agency Logo 

Agency full name 

Agency Acronym 

No more browsing through so many platfoms!

Eliminate the hurdles of locating bids on agency portals. Our embedded links are designed for effortless navigation, allowing you to delve deeper into any bid that piques your interest.

Save time & gain peace of mind with one-click.

By simply clicking on the ''Bid Detail Button (light blue)'' on the email, you will be directed to the source of each bid.


That simple.

Keywords to help you narrow your search.

Simply add keywords to your Daily Digest making sure that only the bids of interest are directed to you!

- Bids will be grouped per chosen keywords

- You can update your keywords anytime

- Up to 10 different keywords per user

Effective solution, simple princing

With the Daily Digest, get all the bids & and RFPs at your finger tip every morning.

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$ 79,00USD

Cancel anytime


$ 790,00USD

Cancel anytime

Everyday notification

Filter by Keywords 

(10 Key words per user)

2 users included

Direct Link to bid portal

Option to remove bid for maintenance parts

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